Alternative milk is taking the dairy aisle by storm

Alternative milk is taking the dairy aisle by storm

Are you old enough to remember when there was only cow’s milk in the dairy section of your favorite supermarket? These days, there are all kinds of milk available. You’ve probably done a double-take at the goat’s milk in the cooler. How about the nut milk? What about hemp milk? Yes, hemp milk is a thing. Many people are seeking alternative milk for a wide variety of reasons, and one of them is because they can’t digest lactose. Hemp milk is easy for their stomach to digest, and it’s good for you too.

hemp milk

What can you do with hemp milk?

You can do almost anything that you can do with cows’ milk. You can put hemp milk on your favorite breakfast cereal. You might be surprised to learn that you can add hemp milk to your morning coffee. Also, you can bake and cook with hemp milk. Of course, you can dip your favorite cookies in hemp milk as well. There is almost nothing that you can’t do with hemp milk that can’t be done with milk from a cow. Who knows, you might even stumble upon hemp milk ice cream someday. Wouldn’t it be a fantastic treat to have a hemp milkshake with both hemp milk and ice cream?

Hemp milk is finding its way to more supermarkets around the world

Yes, that’s true. You aren’t the only one who is noticing more milk made from California hemp. Have you been tempted to buy some of it yet? If not, there’s no better time than now. It won’t be long until a wide variety of flavors become available. Who knows, your favorite coffee creamer may be going the way of hemp as well. It’s not as farfetched as it sounds, considering that so many people are demanding plant based milk. The shelves at the store are only limited to what sells, and there’s reason to believe that this is going to be a hot product in the not so distant future.

hemp milk

Milk made from hemp is about to change the industry

Some are going to say that’s unbelievable, but it isn’t. Just think about how soy and almond milk changed the dairy industry. Why would hemp be any different? Hemp can be grown just about anywhere, and it’s an economic crop. You can’t say that about something like almonds where you have to invest quite a bit of land and water to produce enough nuts to make milk from.